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Getting Started

Page history last edited by John McCarthy 14 years, 6 months ago

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The purpose of this resource is to provide professional growth on Differentiated Instruction (DI). What follows is an explanation of how to navigate the site to support learning of DI. If you are interested in graduate credit or SB-CEUs, go to this link for details. Otherwise lets continue.


Component Descriptions 

  • Navigation

    The table of content links are listed on the Home page and along the right side of each page. Please note that PBWorks includes on the right side of each page a Navigator and a SideBar. Scroll down to the SideBar for all Table of Content links. Navigator is a useful tool if your are more than a casual user of PBWorks. Our Sidebar includes:


    Getting Started




    About Site


    A description of each follows in later bullettes.


  • Registration: Participation through registration is highly recommended. 

    Registration is only necessary if you are either taking this course for credit, or want to make use of the full features, which includes engaged reflective conversations with other educators.

    Unregistered use: The site is available without registering. You have access to all content and resources. Without registration there is no access to posting or sharing ideas. If you go this route, consider keeping a log or journal of your thinking based on the module questions that end each page. In this way, you would have a timestamped record of your work that some colleges may accept for credit. Tools to consider: Your own blog (Blogger, Livejournal, or Wordpress) or wiki (PBWorks, Wikispaces, or Wetpaint).


  • Modules: This is the core purpose of this site. Included are self-directed tutorials  regarding Differentiated Instruction. The purpose is professional growth through broadening perspective and/or expanding a teacher's instructional toolbox. Completing each will give job-embedded direction and skills to immediately incorporate into your instruction. Here's how it works:
    • Each module has 5 parts: Understanding, Exploration, Examples, Invitation, and Reflection. After studying and reflecting on the content and related links, there is a Response section at the end of each part. The Response section prompts you to answer one or more questions, which is posted through the "Add a comment" box at the bottom of the page.

      Only registered users may post comments. Unregistered users should post in their own blog or wiki.

    • Once you have posted comments on each of the 5 sections, that module is completed.
    • Each module takes a minimum of 3 hours to complete.


  • Reflections: Each page of the modules provides space at the end to explore your thinking in the Comments section. Each module has a formal Reflection section for thinking about how to make use of the tools and skills into your practice. This is a critical part, and your participation makes the experience valuable because A) Reflect on your thinking so as to process how a module's concepts can fit into your work. B) Engage in shared ideas by reading and responding to other's thoughts, and gaining perspective from how different educators view the concepts. Only registered users have access to this valuable component.
  • Resources: Need examples of Differentiation practice? Visit here. Resources offers various media that address a focus on effective instructional practice. Videos, lesson samples, and links to additional resources are all available.


  • Help: Need help with the PBWorks tools and navigation? You'll find what you need in this section. Previous users of PBWorks sites might only need to skim this section as needed.


  • About Site: provides context and contacts for your queries.


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