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Page history last edited by John McCarthy 11 years, 1 month ago

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Differentiated Instruction is a crucial component of quality instruction. The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning is incredibly challenging at best. Sometimes it feels as if the pathways to student achievement are narrow, treacherous with ice, or virtually unscalable with the inverted vertical climbs. Yet as educators, our existence is primarily to teach students, which means that students must learn, else our teaching is not succeeding. 


In a learning classroom, students are achieving.


Explore these modules to build, expand, and/or deepen your understanding if effective instructional practices through Differentiated Instruction. The overarching focus is on what it takes for students to be successful learners. Thoughtful planning and implementation begins with assessment and differentiated instruction pedagogy. The rest fits within those core areas, and allows us to customize and tweak instruction to the specific needs of our learners for grasping curriculum concepts.


  1. Begin with Getting Started.
  2. Continue to Modules.
  3. Explore examples of Strategies for Differentiated Instruction.


Core areas of this site is fully functional. Expansion continues, so please forgive the dust and fresh paint.


Welcome to this Learning Classroom!



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