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B1 Examples

Page history last edited by John McCarthy 11 years, 5 months ago

ModulesUnderstanding | Exploration | Examples | Invitation | Reflection


This chart looks at strategies usage in different ways based on students needs to determine lesson access. 


Comparison Matrix Readiness Interests Learning Profiles

Strategy by:

Marzono, Robert.

Classroom Instruction

That Works. 2004

ASCD | TeacherTube

Structure learning from:

  • Part to whole: segment into parts to digest
  • Simple to complex
  • Dependence to Interdependence
  • Choice
  • Learning profile
  • Hobbies & Pursuits

How a student approaches concepts from their strengths

Lens for making sense and communicating through:

  • Multiple intelligence

  • Brain-based




How is access to

information made

for learners? How are learners able to access

the concepts and data?

  • Leveled reading/cognitive materials
  • Graphic Organizer: help see content in segments
  • Centers: Assign content & directions based on skill level
  • Learning Contracts
  • Mini-lessons
  • "Say Something" or "Last Word" for readings 
  • Jigsaw materials
  • Learning contracts
  • "Say Something" or "Last Word" for readings
  • Present through multi-media
  • Centers: Choice of what content to study or study options within a center
  • Connect to student lives/world beyond classroom (Context) 
  • Give material in perspective of multiple intelligences.
  • Notes with highlighted important details.
  • Graphic Organizer: Data displayed through multiple intelligences.
  • Present through multi-media
  • Centers: provide content in different mediums


How can students digest content and make into

their own?

  • Tiered activities at needed levels
  • Centers: Provide skill appropriate tasks for each group of learners
  • RAFTS: Options are simple to complex
  • Think Dots
  • Menus
  • Think-Tac-Toe
  • Enrichments/Extensions
  • Project/problem-based learning
  • Writer’s Workshop
  • 6 Traits
  • Web Quest
  • Choose work based on learning profile such as Sternberg MI or Brain-based
  • Centers: Students choose options for how they will do the task
  • RAFTS: Work is chosen, and/or is based on interest.
  • Group by like-interests
  • Think dots
  • Project/problem-based learning
  • Independent Study/Projects
  • Writer’s Workshop
  • Web Quest
  • Learning styles are incorporated in experiences such as Sternberg MI or Brain-based
  • Centers: Tasks are completed using different learning styles. Work is assigned or self-selected
  • RAFTS: Format options are based on multiple-intelligence
  • Group by same learning preference or include each thinking style
  • Think dots
  • Project/problem-based learning
  • Writer’s Workshop
  • Web Quest


How would students

distill what they learned by demo

or performance? 

  • Tiered and addresses same outcomes
  • Project/problem-based learning
  • Rubric-based activities
  • Design something
  • Performance Task
  • Sternberg MI activity
  • Built in options with connection to interests.
  • Project/problem-based learning
  • Rubric-based activities
  • Design something 
  • Sternberg MI activity
  • Project/problem-based learning
  • Presentation formats
  • Contracts
  • Design something
  • Performance Task 


 For a copy of this file download any of these formats:


Response: (Please post in Comments section below)

Choose One:

  1. Choose a column, Readiness, Interest, or Learning Profile, and share your thoughts on how your students would benefit in the 3 instruction areas: Content, Process, and Product. Feel free to reference any of the listed strategies, or others that you might use.


  2. Choose a row, Content, Process, or Product, and share your thoughts on how incorporating each of the 3 learning areas would benefit students: Readiness, Interest, and Learning Profile. Feel free to reference any of the listed strategies, or others that you might use.


  3. Download a blank Comparison Matrix for DI elements. Complete it. Share your discoveries from the activity. (Please send a copy of your work to: wb4all@gmail.com. A copy will be pdfed and posted here for others to share in your learning.


ModulesUnderstanding | Exploration | Examples | Invitation | Reflection


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