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This site addresses the challenge we all face after attending professional development. When the session ends, the expert presenter exits the scene, leaving a gap in learner support for the staff. The assumption is that the teachers have immediately grasped the skills emparted at the PD, and can now expertly reproduce results in their classrooms. Like most placeboes this assumption lasts for only a limited time.
The intention of the Learning Classrooms is to provide a space for follow up support to professional learning about incorporating Differentiated Instruction into practices. There are components that someone new to DI can begin with, to learn the what, why, and how of DI. Like any such resource, this site is only as good as the conversations that the educator-learners have around the topic. To that extent, the reflection section is to encourage participants to share their thinking and ideas with our brethren in Education. This site includes areas for Reflection and content development. And perhaps for those who need the Guide on the Side, I am also available to support your needs.
Let's take the journey together...
John McCarthy, Ed.S.
Education Consultant
Twitter: @jmccarthyeds
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